As I posted before, some of my laptop key is not working. To be precise, letter 3 E D C & more are the one that affected. Oh dear I am devastated as my laptop is the source of income. Without it I can't work! Here I am using external keyboard to survive.
I'm actually thinking to buy new one once I finished study but as I still struggle financially, eventually that thought is pushed aside. Now i'm in dilemma, should I use my emergency fund to buy new laptop or should I wait and save more?
Since you already had an alternative, why not just wait for awhile and save more.? 😀
ReplyDeleteAgree :) Save more for the best laptop for you :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the suggestion dear! Might as well have target saving amount within these few months 😊
ReplyDeleteSiqah setuju dengan Anis dan Hanis =) Tunggu dan save more. Nanti terus beli laptop baru. Berbaloi-baloi 😊