These days rasa macam tak bersemangat je buat kerja. Badan rasa lesu je ntah kenapa. Pagi-pagi dah tersengguk-sengguk. I think my body is telling me it is about time. To change. To be more productive.
I've always been overweight all my life. Tak pernah la merasa berat badan ideal. Keinginan nak have a normal weight memang sentiasa ada tapi as a normal chubby person i really really love my food and sangatlah benci buat aktiviti yang mengerakkan badan. Not willing to give up either my bed or food. Cemana kan.
I was just lazy. That's it. Macam takde motivation and keep procrastinate. My diet always starts tomorrow. Alasan takpe hari ni je. Asyik cakap okay esok aku berubah tapi ntah bila esok tu. So I came up with very simple simple simple rule wajib ikut dalam sebulan ni.
- strictly no late night snacks
- have breakfast every single day
That simple thing pun already hard for me. Sekarang ni my plan is slowly but surely. Pelan-pelan kayuh. Selalu sangat aim big lepas tu tak jadi apa. I really think yang one step at a time, biar la orang kata lambat and tak efficient pun tapi kenapa tidak kalau dia boleh jadi a good habit and lifestyle untuk jangka masa panjang.
Malas please please go away. Semoga mampu istiqomah dan mencapai targat yang diingini. Amin.
oh you're so me! I've always nak diet but malas plus nafsu menguasai. Not that I always hungry tapi nafsu je lebih, nak makan sedap (sedap means high fat and sugar ahah)
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