He's beautiful
Hari ni nak cerita pasal this drama. He's beautiful/You're beautiful/You're handsome. Peminat korean drama confirm tau about this. Ala, drama yang sekarang ni tengah ada kat 8tv pukul...
Satu hari yang tak penting
Hari ni as usual bangun, mandi, makan. Lepas tu tiba-tiba rasa rajin terus cari pencil and tarik buku physic, buat homework. Baru 6 soalan dah give up and terus capai laptop and online!! Berlagak...

I love man in glasses!
Yes! glasses, spectacles, specs, eyeglasses, cermin mata or whatever you called it. Especially thick full frame glasses or many would called geek glasses. I love to see people, man wear...
Hello, I am so damn bored! Nak tidur tapi tak boleh tidur. Mata ni terbuka dengan terang macam sekarang ni 1.30pm padahal 1.30am. Wahai mata, sila bekerjasama ya. Then buatlah blogwalking....

I'm yours..
Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod sekarang dah december??? i'm turning sixteen and minho turns 19 in just few days?? jadi senior in high school in few weeks?? hahaha. Still tak dapat terima hakikat yang...