Vacation part 2
Part 1, here!! Jejak je kaki kat Medan, Indonesia dah ada orang jemput. The plan is malam tu menginap satu malam kat medan and besoknya terus berangkat ke Lhokseumawe, Acheh (rumah pak...

hanya mampu dimiliki in my dream. huhuhu I need a brand new laptop. For the next semester. Sebab laptop kat rumah ni dah tak dapat diselamatkan lagi. The original plan is nak laptop...

10 days SHINee Challenge - Day 1
1. First song you heard from them. Hrrmmmm.. The very first SHINee song i've ever heard.... Stand by Me (OST Boys over Flower). If you really have read my blog rasanya dah...

Vacation part 1 - Balik Kampung
Okay finally saya dapat juga kerajinan untuk update this entry. Kak mira dah masuk part 2 update pasal this thing on her blog. Ehhh I mana boleh kalah kan. Basicly.. me pergi balik kampung...
10 days shinee challenge
1. First song you heard from them. 2. Your bias 3. The one that ruins your bias list ;] 4. Favorite song? 5. Favorite music video 6. Favorite era 7. Why you love your bias 8....
Happy December :)
Apa?? Tinggal lagi setengah bulan je disember ni baru reti nak wish ke?? hehehe. Maklum jelah yang laptop masih rosak. Dah tak dapat aktif berblog sampai ai dapat laptop baru. Tapi perasaan...