Print Hardcover Thesis Binding Murah
Yang ni bagi student-student perform semua especially yang study kat cyberjaya. Tengah tight budget lepas tu huargh mahalnya nak print hardcover kat cyber. Dah serabut nak settlekan all...

Hardcover Thesis Binding Express : Siap dalam 1 Jam!
Being a person yang sangat suka buat kerja last minute, bila due date dah towards the end baru la reti kelam-kabut nak cari tempat print hardcover. Rata-rata tempat takes around 1-3 days...

Siapa Fatihah??
My youngest sister, Ain is now 5 years old and dah pergi tadika. Gosh i felt so old rasa macam semalam dukung dia for the first time and rasa eh keciknya budak ni. Now dah sebesar gajah...

Salam Ramadhan
The holy month is here again. May this ramadhan marks the new journey of discovery ourselves as muslims. My goals for this ramadhan is pergi tarawih tiap hari. Last year selalu missed...

Simple Bread Pizza
Before, macam plan pulak one entry per month padahal tak pun. And now totally dengan in mood layan blog kena la rajin keep the momentum supaya lama sikit bertahan. Selalu mula-mula konon semangat...

Sesi Pemilihan Sukarelawan Siswa Siri 1/2016
Calling for all pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi seluruh Malaysia tak kira la IPTA, IPTS, IPG, Politeknik, or Kolej Komuniti. If you guys have a big heart to help others and got a strong...