Done with semester one
Holla! Thought I would not make it to final exam but here i am just submitted my final exam answer sheet 30 minutes ago. And still alive! Now in the library to finish off my pending assignments. My...

Universal Studio Japan Halloween Surprises
Belum habis lagi cerita Jepun. Sebab dah bulan Oktober, kita buat Halloween version la. One of the main highlight of Japan trip is USJ! Sebab we all love amusement park. Niat asal memang...
Another phase in life
Here I am in the coffee shop waiting for my phone. I sent it to clinic to be fixed. While waiting, I suddenly remember I have not updated for quite awhile now. Just finished reading ProudDuck...

Resepi Brownies Penuh Rasa Coklat Mudah
Macam dah lama tak share resepi kat sini kan. Tiap kali saya kata nak bake something Mama mesti request brownies. Kadang-kadang nak jugak buat cheesecake ke cake lain ke mesti dia complain...

Cheesy Korean Fried Chicken Nanda Chicken
Macam dah lama tak share pasal makanan. Hari tu teringin nak rasa ayam goreng korea dengan cheese kfry yang viral tu. Tapi dah petang confirm habis lagipun tak berapa rajin nak jalan sampai...
Segmen: Making A Blog List by Blog Siqahiqa
I still prefer reading people experience on blog rather that other social media. I supposed to have a bloglist on the blog sidebar but somehow it got lost when I updated to a new template. So...

Weekend Gateaway : Cameron Highland
Ahhh I just miss updating the blog. Dulu kasi alasan darling laptop condition and the lack of wifi turn me off each time ada rasa nak publish new entry. Now dah ada yang baru pun sama sebab...

AirBnB Accommodation near downtown Osaka, Japan suitable for groups
It is finally time for my Osaka trip story! Though it is a bit too late but I really need to document it here for my own future reference. I spend days to weeks checking AirBnB...

Kansai Trip 2017 Itinerary and Budget
Assalamualaikum, hi! Lama sangat dah perap akhirnya jumpa juga kerajinan untuk share kat sini. Yang ini macam summary budget and itinerary je lah ya. Kalau nak details ntah nak kena tunggu...