sore eyes :(
Assalamualaikum and annyeong!!! Wahh dah lama tak update blog. Rindu. Ni pun menggagahkan diri menaip entry dengan sebelah mata. Kenapa?? See the tittle. -Sore Eyes- Nooooo no no ni bukan...

final exam
Assalamualaikum and annyeong.. Alhamdulillah, all the assignmnet and presentation is done. Soo now the main focus shifted to the final exam next week. Final Exam timetable Monday - Introduction...

the ups and down of the week
Disebabkan hari ni kelas account at 9am dah dibatalkan (thank you sooo much mr maniam), ni lah masanya untuk kita mengupdate blog. This week, im super duper busy with IT and Business assignment....

Reply 1997 / Answer me 1997
Assalamualaikum and annyeong!! Hahh tau tak pasal drama Reply 1997 ni??? Mestilah ini korean drama. Kalau tak tau mehh sini saya nak cerita. :) Honestly, the main reason why i...

Assalamualaikum and annyeong! Andd again, i've nothing to do (though im not yet finish my assignment) so i'm joining 'SEGMEN LYSSA FAIZUREEN' Ohh syarat nak join segmen ni senang...

1st Giveaway@What Every Gal Want
Yo baby.. Im bored and have nothing to do. Soooooo... JOM JOIN GIVEAWAY! hehehe.. 'why do you want to win this giveaway' cause i wanna win the prizes! hehehe. hadiah dia ialah : Decleor...

Assalamualaikum, annyeong !!! New month baby! Alhamdulillah, dah masuk bulan 10. Lagi tiga bulan dah tahun baru. 2012 dah tinggal hujung-hujung dah ni. Semester 1 dah nak habis. By...