Bulan terakhir bergelar student. My final exam paper will be on 31st May nanti. Major project presentation pulak NEXT WEEK (lebih pada lagi beberapa hari). Still have sooooooo many more things to do dalam masa suntuk ni.
Honestly till now it didn't really hit me hard enough that i'm going to be done with my university so soon. Nope. Still in denial. Totally not ready to give up the student title and move to adult world. How i wish i can just freeze the time now.
Actually this semester is the most relaxing semester i had as i only have 2 class in a week. And i just realize that i really have to be pressured in order to perform. And better doing things in group than alone. Now that i'm too relax, i felt lazy and procrastinate a lot. Habis bila nak siap kan kalau keep telling myself to do the task esok. Last-last aku yang stress sendiri. It supposed to be a relaxing semester but what i really felt is jauh gila dari relax.
However life must go on kan i just need to do my best now and graduate without regrets. Tawakal. Doa.