2017 Bucket List
New year is coming sooner that I expected. Time for a brand new year resolution. Start new year with a brand new energy. Here are my bucketlist that I really hope manage to be cross off...

Budget Bajet Trip to Krabi, Thailand Day 4
Assalamualikum, hi! Sebenarnya dah bukan cerita kat Krabi lebih kepada cerita perjalanan balik ke Kuala Lumpur. 16 July 2016 Since flight cost so much, we decided untuk balik melalui jalan...

Dream, One Fine Day
I really really really love pastry or bread or cakes. Feel like I could live just fine with just eating them for the rest of my life. Nowadays I'm into baking cakes with the help of google...

I Live Alone
Ni bukan nak cerita pasal reality show korea tu ya. Ini cerita pasal realiti kehidupanku. Mama ayah decided to move to Sg Petani for work purposes. And of course they brought semua anak...
Budget Bajet Trip to Krabi, Thailand Day 3.5
Because our day 3 is not done yet. Lepas maghrib we plan to go to Krabi Night Market. Souvenir shopping since it was our last night there. Kat area aonang tu ada je kedai tapi according...