Almost done
Supposed to have my final exam paper today but somehow it was postponed to next week. I was totally ready to be finally done with my degree tapi saje je dia kasi chance kita nak nikmati...

8 years with SHINee
Today marks SHINee's 8 years debut anniversary. For a kpop group, 8 years without major member scandal is consider a big achievement. For keeping your promise, thank you. Hope you will...

Pencarian Bloglist Jun 2016
Setelah sekian lama why not kan. Jom ramai-ramai join, klik banner??...

Resipi Kek Batik
Kalau duduk rumah mesti rasa ada makanan apa la dalam kabinet dapur ni buat kunyah-kunyah. Perut tak lapar pun tapi mulut ni tetap nak mengunyah. That is why i always cari roti ke kek ke...

Hottest Kpop Group Debut : BgA
Not sure how i end up here but right now they are my favorite. Boys generally Asian (BgA) Sakit perut layan dorang ni. Lepas tu habis kena jenguk satu-satu channel. Baru realize...
Student rants
Bulan terakhir bergelar student. My final exam paper will be on 31st May nanti. Major project presentation pulak NEXT WEEK (lebih pada lagi beberapa hari). Still have sooooooo many more...

Last friday sempat curi masa kejap pergi layan Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2 kat cinema. My comment? It is just a normal movie. Simple, nothing to complicated and served their purpose,...

Darling, please
Today i feel like sharing about my darling here. We have been together since Jan/Feb 2013. Sangat manja, first time jumpa nampak macam gagah tapi lama-lama baru terkeluar segala perangai...